Why Sell Your Vehicles?
Owning The Perfect Vehicle
Finding the perfect vehicle can be a challenge to those who love their vehicles. I am not talking about the purchase of a new euro-box for getting to work in, I am talking about realising the dream of buying the car that you have always wanted, with the intention of keeping it forever.
What is Neil’s Perfect Vehicle?
The perfect vehicle is different for everyone and there are no hard and fast rules for what counts. For me, I am on the lookout for a straight Peugeot 205 1.9 Gti (which is what I wanted to own as a teenager) or a French blue Renault Alpine GTA V6 Turbo (similar to the one my father owned – and my brother subsequently wrote off!). If I found the perfect one of either of these, I would buy it with the intention of never ever selling it. Simply keep it for high days and holidays, or the occasional Sunday run for the sake of nostalgia.
What Are Some Of Our Clients’ Perfect Vehicles?
Others lust after different vehicles and for different reasons. It could be their first car, the car they had on their wall as a kid or the one that they had always promised themselves when they made it. There are owners’ clubs for every type of vehicle from Lamborghinis to Austin Allegros – and every owner an enthusiast who would not part with their pride and joy no matter what.
We Often Sell Our Vehicle When We Need Short-Term Finance
But what if the unforeseen happens and there is a sudden need to raise funds. Selling the special car might look like the only option. This car that had taken years to find, is quietly appreciating in value and is very much one of the family might have to be sacrificed at a knock-down price for the greater good of the family.
Edinburgh Asset Finance Offers An Alternative
There is an alternative. Edinburgh Asset Finance have stepped in to help a number of individuals in exactly this situation. By using their prized vehicle as security, we can offer a short-loan of up to 60% of the car’s value. Often money can even be in place on the same day as the enquiry is made. We professionally look after the vehicle for the duration of the loan. We hold your vehicle within our heated indoor warehouse. When the loan is repaid the vehicle is reunited with its owner as soon as the loan is repaid. Simple.
So if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need a short term injection of money and you don’t want to fire-sell your pride and joy, then call us. We can help.
If you would like to learn more about how Edinburgh Asset Finance can help you,